Next Generation Ministries

Children's Ministries

At Fossil Creek Church, one of our core beliefs is that every child should experience the joy of having a relationship with God. We provide age-appropriate children’s ministries with dedicated staff and volunteers who have been carefully screened and trained. These ministries run concurrently with our services and provide a safe, fun and engaging environment for your child. We are committed to the safety of your child as well as their spiritual development.

Sunday – 9:00AM Classes & 10:15AM Service

Nursery – Birth – 3yrs

Jungle Jam – 4yrs – Kindergarten

Fossil Creek Kids – 1st – 6th Grade

Wednesdays – 7:00PM

Nursery – Birth – 2yrs

Rainbows – 3yrs – Pre-K

Royal Ranger Boys  – Kindergarten and up

Girls Ministries – Kindergarten – 5th Grade


Fossil Creek YTH (Grades 6-12) connects teens with each other and helps them develop a pursuit of knowing God. Our passion is to help each student discover their identity and purpose in Christ, while developing the unique strengths God has given them.


Small Groups (9-10AM every week)

Students engage in various small groups as they understand God’s truth through studying God’s word and conversation while they are growing with one another.


YTH Service (6:45-8PM every week)

Students are invited to encounter and pursue God through prayer, worship and spiritual teaching in the Youth Hall.